98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011].addrs 819 B

  1. # MMGen address file
  2. #
  3. # This file is editable.
  4. # Everything following a hash symbol '#' is a comment and ignored by MMGen.
  5. # A text label of 32 characters or less may be added to the right of each
  6. # address, and it will be appended to the bitcoind wallet label upon import.
  7. # The label may contain any printable ASCII symbol.
  8. # Address data checksum for 98831F3A-LTC[1,31-33,500-501,1010-1011]: AD52 C3FE 8924 AAF0
  9. # Record this value to a secure location.
  10. 98831F3A LTC {
  11. 1 LMxB474SVfxeYdqxNrM1WZDZMnifteSMv1
  12. 31 LhpYfXVizZFun9RRrqTdmiAie2Q5YqaRRm
  13. 32 LYvg2DDKxwZ6FBb6XcpsSK14swAMFLzH1h
  14. 33 LSkSht1wZs38gichnoznmXaMw4apJUDPMG
  16. 501 LN6qgkswJRzbJzc4xz5EKNUHVzhFiXR8B4
  17. 1010 LKQhgeRuhz8ULXSnh5ctkroJocGDrXkQau
  18. 1011 LfCFQM5qHS324enT5eYXvPrv8UKKV4yT1A
  19. }